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Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves, because the robots are coming for our jobs. And I’m not just talking about factory jobs or customer service jobs, I’m talking about the creative jobs too. That’s right, the copywriters, graphic designers, web designers, and even computer programmers, all of them are in danger of being replaced by Chat GPT and other AIs.

But before we all panic and start stocking up on canned goods for the upcoming robot apocalypse, let’s take a step back and understand what Chat GPT and other AIs really are. They’re not genuine “intelligences” with personal opinions and the ability to change their minds. No, they’re simply neural networks trained with a massive amount of data, designed to give you the answer that would statistically be the most probable to come out of the mouth of a person in the middle of the bell curve in terms of intelligence.

In other words, Chat GPT and other AIs can only produce content that is within the realm of what an average person would come up with. Anything above the bell curve in terms of thought complexity, and you’re likely to get gibberish. But why is that? Well, it’s simple, bright people are not numerous enough to influence the trillions of texts that fit the zeitgeist of our time. So, if you’re a super expert in your domain, chances are, Chat GPT and other AIs can’t emulate your content.

But here’s the thing, while the super experts may be safe from the robot takeover, those in the middle of the bell curve, if their field is based on writing text, processing data, writing code, drawing or anything like that, will be very easily replaced by robots. And let’s be real, most of us are in the middle of the bell curve, so we better start thinking about how we’re going to adapt to this new world.

The world is about to change, and as usual, the most intelligent and adaptable people are probably going to benefit from such a product in terms of productivity. So, my advice to you all is to start learning how to code, learn how to draw, learn how to write, and basically, just learn how to do everything that Chat GPT and other AIs can do.

Also, if you’re way ahead of the bell curve, do no think that you’re safe : your problem is that the more these AIs are going to be used as a philosophical prescriptive tool (propaganda, yes), the more it is going to be hard for you to make yourself clearly understood by people who are in the middle of the bell curve, fed by it and re-feeding it in an endless loop… So the more intelligent you are, the harder it is going to be to make your intellect profitable (even though I’m pretty sure you’ll be better off than the middle of the bell curve). Remember that the sweet spot in most societies is to be just above the normie: smart enough so that the ideas you produce are not figurable by the normies alone, but dumb enough to be understandable by them… So in any case, you’ll have to work differently even if you are bright.

In conclusion, Chat GPT and other AIs will disrupt many creative industries, and while they may not be able to replace super experts, they will replace those in the middle of the bell curve who will have to find new jobs.

I don’t have any opinion on that whatsoever: I can see all the totalitarian applications, all the wonderful gains in productivity to save precious time to think and meditate, all the possible ways to escape from reality, and I can’t see all the things we don’t know about for now…

But one certainty remains for me: this new generation of AI is going to change the world like the internet did.